Rebecca Jahed, Audiologist in Prince Frederick, MD
This is an Audiology Practice serving in Prince Frederick, Solomons, Waldorf, Leonardtown, and Greenbelt, MD. There are four Doctors of Audiology on staff partnered with two ENT Physicians for comprehensive quality care. Diagnostic testing includes comprehensive hearing evaluations, tinnitus testing and treatment, balance testing and treatment (vertigo), hearing protection, and cochlear implant mapping. Call to experience the exceptional customer care they are known to offer each of their clients at 443-295-7100.
Primary Specialty
EducationMaster of Arts in Hearing and Speech Science (University of Maryland, 1992) Doctor of Audiology (Arizona School of Health Science (ATSU), 2006)
AffiliationsAmerican Academy of Audiology Academy of Doctors of Audiology Maryland Academy of Advanced Practiced Clinicians
Office StaffDr. Rebecca Jahed Dr. Gina Diaz Dr. Lisa Behringer Kelly Hopper (Billing Specialist)
Payment OptionsWe accept most all major credit cards, checks, cash, and payment options through Wells Fargo and Care Credit
ServicesDiagnostic Hearing Evaluations Hearing Aid Consultations and Treatments Balance Testing and Treatment Cochlear Implant Evaluations and Mapping Hearing Conservation and Communication Earpieces Tinnitus Testing and Treatment Additional ServicesAudiologist Hearing Test Hearing Aids Hearing Protection Tinnitus Testing Balance Testing Positional Vertigo