Eric Michael Cohen, Marriage,Relationship,Career, Life Coach

Eric Michael Cohen, Marriage,Relationship,Career, Life Coach
The Life Lab Coaching Studio 222 Forbes Rd Suite 106 Braintree, MA 02184

Eric Michael Cohen, Marriage,Relationship,Career, Life Coach

Hope. Repair. Empowerment.

From some of my clients:

"My wife and I had been struggling for several years and had reached a breaking point. In just a few sessions, Eric helped us take important steps toward repairing our marriage. He gave us powerful tools and strategies that improved our relationship. Thanks to Eric’s help, we are looking toward a bright future."
- Mike

"Eric was a very energetic, inspiring and dynamic coach who offered us many pragmatic tools to communicating and building our relationship.... He was very professional and non invasive yet had a good rapport with us and a great sense of humor. "

"Eric’s Life Lab Coaching services came unexpectedly into my life when I couldn’t have screamed any louder for help! I’ve never been one who enjoys therapy. I go for tools, goals, and structure. Hold me accountable! That’s what Eric does. Personal coaching sounds self-indulgent, but it’s not with Eric. Sitting and crying over the same obstacles and old hurts is self-indulgent, when action is not part of the plan. Creating a plan of action is empowering.

We’ve worked on my business and personal challenges, and with both, he’s stopped me mid-vent, to help re-direct me towards a solution. With Eric’s help, I’ve begun to discover certain repetitive patterns that are unproductive, or self-destructive, and to replace them with methods that have brought me more clarity and success with my company as well as at home. He’s a game changer."

"Family businesses are complex. Eric has helped us work as a team, while repairing and strengthening our family relationships."

"In working with Eric, I gained clarity around my mission and message as a business. He helped me navigate the fears that were keeping me from getting more clients. As a result of our work together, I feel more confident in myself personally and as an entrepreneur, and my business is profiting."

"Eric always kept me focused on the subject at hand and was very efficient at giving me choices on which direction to head to next. He gave me examples on what something might look like or sound like so I could envision my own personal take on it. He showed great determination in his efforts to help me clarify what had been a sense of overwhelm. I left feeling like I had a plan, and that I believed I could actually do something about this issue. I would highly recommend his skills as a coach and think he would be a great asset to anyone."

"Working with Eric has changed how I live my life. He's strengthened my self-discipline and self-perception. He helps to keep me on the path to achieving both my business and personal goals."

"I couldn't be happier with my experiences with Eric. I honestly didn't know what to expect when entering into this process but I never would have guessed that it could have had such an impact on my business and personal life. Eric has a way of putting me at ease and asking just the right questions to help me discover a new perspective on issues that I've been stuck on for years. It's amazing how powerful simply having an insightful and thoughtful resource has been in helping to breath new life into problems that have tripped me up for so long. Eric's natural abilities combined with a systematic approach are truly transformative. I have been able to double my income in a short period of time and develop an entirely new outlook on some of my most important relationships. I'm am very happy with my decision to work with Eric and excited to see what more is to come!"

"Eric's small business coaching blew me away! I’m buzzing with energy right now and am so excited about all of the different strategies we implemented that were sitting right in front of my face and I just didn’t see them! Thank you so much Eric! I am so grateful!"

"He is not only very skilled, he genuinely cares. When you have that kind of empathy, you have trust. When you work with a life coach that you know genuinely cares about your well being, you realize it is a fundamental building block to achieving all the things possible in coaching. My life coaching sessions with Eric come up so often in my conversations, and I can't stop speaking so highly about him and about the process. I see a therapist, and that is great. But I also have Eric as my life coach, and it is a great compliment to my success. Eric can handle the emotional things that come up in a therapy session, and they do, but it's more than just to vent. There is always positive action identified by the end of the session, and it is such a catalyst for successes for the week ahead. Working with Eric has changed my life. I came to him unmanageable, now I am in control."

"After working in a host of temporary positions for several years, I decided to give the Life Lab a try. Eric helped me set short- and long-term goals and develop lasting strategies to make me a stronger candidate. In the process, I recognized
Primary Specialty

Marriage & Family Therapist

Gender Male
Certification Relational Life Therapy, professional coaching
Services Marriage & Relationship Repair

Like many couples, my wife and I enlisted the help of a "traditional" marriage therapist when we were having difficulty with our relationship. Rather than bring us together, working with this person nearly ended us. There were no tools. There was no hope. Had we not come across a different approach, Relational Life Therapy, we would most likely be divorced and bitter. The result was so profound, I left my previous career so that I could assist others in this work.

Working within the Relational Life Therapy (RLT) system, we learned solid, healthy repeatable skills for dealing with conflict. These skills gave us a means of correction (a steering wheel if you will) to keep us connected; to resolve conflicts, to grow together and to cherish each other. We found understanding. We found accountability. We found balance.

Now, trained in RLT, I bring the same teachable and repeatable system to bear in service of your relationship. My process with you will be explicitly educational. We may talk about the past, but we will focus on the present and the future. You will leave with the relationship tools we all should have learned as children but weren't given to us. We will go through the process together, transparently. I do not hide behind the veil of 'expert'. I've been through this myself and have come out the other side.

Business Coaching

There are lots of places to learn business skills. The problem is, how do we get past the part of us that won't use them? That is at the heart of my coaching system. Once we isolate and understand our own personal barriers to success (as well as where they came from and why we cling to them) we can find a way around, over or through.

You are probably pretty good at what you do (lawyer, carpenter, etc.). Sadly, when you learned the skills of your profession, "soft" skills like vision, self-confidence, self-compassion, maintaining motivation, organization, time management, and conflict resolution may have been left out of of your formal education.

Having been a small business owner and entrepreneur all of my adult life, I have encountered many challenges. The hardest challenges weren't technical; more often they centered around fear, insecurity, confusion, values or integrity. Without a road map, these kind of challenges can be debilitating.

It is in my skill set to help you build a road map to success, however you define success.

Career Coaching

If this is you...

I hate my job
I need to make more money
I'm not sure if I'm even in the right field
I feel paralyzed... I don't know how to make a change
I need help with my resume
I don't know where or how to start looking

...I can help.

First, we will define in explicit detail what success looks like; salary, location, job description, hours, benefits, work environment, company size, etc.. Then, together, we'll craft an active strategy to get you there. There is a perfect job out there for you; tailor-made for your skills, personality and lifestyle. We'll find it and make sure your future employer sees that this is the job you were born to do.

Pointed in the right direction, the next thing we'll look for are the internal barriers to achieving your success. When you start to move towards your goal, how do you self-sabotage or get in your own way? Maybe it's self-esteem or an inability to stay motivated. Maybe it's attention deficit or a lack of follow through. When we isolate and understand our own personal barriers to success (as well as where they came from and why we cling to them) we can find a way around, over or through.

What We Can Address And Improve Together

Defining What The Perfect Job Or Career Is For You - Resume Focus & Presentation - Personal Branding - Social Media - Networking - Perseverance - Time Management - Self-Esteem - Confidence - Integrity - Learning To Sell Yourself Without Being "Salesy"

Life Coaching

"I should work harder."

"I should be able to focus."

"Why don't I know what I want out of life?"

The battles we fight inside ourselves can cause stress, confusion and depression. It's time you had someone on your side, to help you win your most difficult battles; those that rage inside your own head.

Where therapy tells you what your problems are and consulting tells you what to do, through coaching we will discover who you can be and how to get you there. My focus is on you, and your success is my #1 priority; success in busting lifelong limiting habits and patterns; success in finding your voice; success in living the kind of life that deep down inside, you know you deserve.

Combining the goals and results approach of coaching with the next-level emotional and relational skills of Relational Life Therapy gives me an arsenal from which to draw. The style and focus of our work may shift, from pragmatic to therapeutic, for example, or from teacher to cheerleader. We'll go where ever we need to to get you t
Additional Services Terry Real, relationship, relationships, coach, coaching, marriage,
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