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by Wellness Editor We may start to notice wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots and soon others notice too. We're aging. And honestly, only the very lucky get to experience it. So maybe we start out trying to appreciate it. But honestly, we'd probably prefer to look like we used to. There’s a lot of hype around anti-aging products, though and many of them don’t give the promised results. And how can we know which do and... 7/2/2022 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor As the cool, brisk winds start rolling in, so do, invariably, the sniffles and scratchy throats. But why does it feel like all the bugs seem to roll in like a fog as soon as cold weather hits? Does the cold really lower our immune resistance? We’re here to set the facts straight. Viruses Thrive in Cold, Dry Conditions So in some cases, the culprit really is the cold. Viruses appreciate cold, dry air.... 11/30/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Have you ever felt not quite yourself? Ever say or do something that seemed so completely out of character that even you weren’t sure what happened? A medication could be to blame. It might sound like something out of a science fiction story, but it’s true: What’s in your medicine cabinet could be changing your personality. From aggression to changing the ability to empathize or exacerbating compulsive... 10/27/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Dayton Uttinger Are you dealing with a particularly dismissive doctor? Although most patients believe that their nurse practitioner listens, almost half of them report that their doctors aren’t as focused or interested in listening. Why is this so common? Nowadays, as soon as we develop symptoms that we can't explain we get on the internet to see what we can learn. It is tempting to stress over your symptoms after... 10/9/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Diabetes is one of those conditions that like to masquerade and hide. It's not exactly silent but it's also not one that jumps to mind because the symptoms seem unrelated to the condition itself. And as a result, many people may have it, and therefore be untreated and subject to much worse effects, and not even realize it. These symptoms are such that if a person has them, they really should seek care... 7/29/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Avery Neal, PhD If you are a stepmother, there is no doubt you have found yourself in what can feel like a no-win situation. The very basic nature of being a stepmother, or an “outsider” who has joined the family circle, means that you’ll be examined under a microscope and potentially the recipient of criticism and emotional unloading…and that’s just for starters! It is important not to deny your feelings, suppress... 6/3/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Dr. Rubina Tahir, DC Lights out! After a long day you meet your pillow for the usual sleep date. Unless you participate in a sleep study, you won’t have a specific idea of what you look like when you are sleeping. However you definitely have preferences, tendencies and sleeping habits! This means sleeping positions become repetitive, and you tend to adopt certain postures. What category do you fit into? The stomach sleeper,... 2/1/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor According to the World Health Organization, we should be eating "a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables per day." Although this, unfortunately, excludes starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes, it is still a great health goal. Since most of us do not weigh our food for every meal, this recommendation can be hard to follow. All Those Fruits and Veggies Seem Hard to SwallowAs a result,... 1/14/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Some of us pluck ‘em. Some cover them with a hat. Some spend countless hours in a salon chair getting them covered up, while others wear them proudly. But over a certain age, most of us have them: gray hairs. Whether you love them or hate them, gray hair is scientifically fascinating.Gray hair is mostly inevitable. Few are immune. With age, hair follicles stop producing melanin, which leads to the... 10/12/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. Losing weight and getting healthy doesn’t have to be complex. Purge your pantry of processed food, don’t use oils and stay away from sugary snacks and drinks. My rules to better health are uncomplicated and easy to follow. No need to measure food or count calories or points. Many people who follow my advice are pleasantly surprised at how uncomplicated my ‘diet’ can be. Here are my simple rules to... 9/20/2023 4:00:00 AM
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