Exercise more often - All Thoughts

Posted by Mandy Harding
I, like a lot of other people used to keep saying to myself "I must exercise more often" and found myself doing nothing about it.\n\nI always felt so much better when I exercised, my mood would lift, I would feel more energetic, sleep sounder and generally feel a lot healthier.\n\nSo, what was the problem?\n\nI realised that it is a mind-body thing you must have going on and started to do some research. I found out how important it is to make sure you have the right knowledge to help you succeed in any area of your life.\n\nI would like to introduce you to somebody who is an inspiration to us all and if you click on <url removed> you can read the story.\n\nWe are all in control of our own destiny, we make all our own choices and if we think positively it is possible to succeed in anything!\n\nMandyx
Posted by Dr. Matthew Kremer, D.C.
Since joining Lifetime Fitness (Parker) four weeks ago, I've got to say that my interest in running, swimming, and lifting has compounded and I am HOOKED! I look forward to hitting the gym, after work, even early in the morning (430am) with my wife. It's strange how patient's can motivate us to boost our healthy eating habits, run longer, swim farther than we tell our bodies we want to...
Posted by MarthaCookie
Stay Motivated
Posted by ChrissieMaryAnn
This give you more energy levels and sense of balance and movement. Without daily or weekly exercise i feel stress, constantly under pressure and unmotivated like unable to find interest to do anything and everything seems less important then what they are.
Posted by lauren60
I was exercising with my grand-daughter she is 17, we used to do it 5 days a week everyday after school she would come to my home to do a work out I have videos, and exercise equipment. it was real fun and a lot of work we kept each other motivated. and we lost weight. but we had stopped, we need to get started back again.
Posted by Nancy1423
I am in a rut and only doing a few core exercises. I need to get some variety.
Posted by Monica
at least 5 times a week. preferable twice a day. approximately 3 hours a day...
Posted by
As much as I dread it I do feel so much better for having gone to work out. When I am working out I watch what I eat (and drink) more closely than when I am not working out. Stick with it! You can do it!