Tagged as Insomnia

Chronic sleep deprivation may seem like a normal part of adult life, but it -may have a greater impact on our health than we realize. Researchers are finding that sleep deprivation can do far more than affect our concentration and work performance. Over the long-term, -not getting enough sleep can lead to a number of health conditions-, and it might even shorten our lives. Insomniac Nation - Between...
December 5, 2023
Insomnia can spoil even the best of days, turning the night into a long and restless waste, sapping energy and making the next day a walking misery. Insomnia strikes about -25 percent of U.S. adults- each year, leaving a slew of -health effects- in its wake. Insomnia can make life difficult in so many ways, including what it can do to your waistline. Research shows regularly getting fewer than 7 hours...
October 5, 2023
When it’s cold out, cuddling under a blanket with our significant other might seem sweet, comforting and romantic. But could there be negatives hidden beneath this blissful picture? If you want to improve the quality of your -sleep during the night-, read on to find out why sharing a blanket might not be your best bet. Temperature is a Factor in Good Sleep - The temperature of the room when trying...
September 7, 2023
Getting enough sleep is essential to living a happy and well-balanced life. Without the necessary 7-9 hours of daily sleep your body cannot perform optimally. Lack of sleep can make you grumpy and irritable and can negatively effect your brain’s ability to function. If we consistently don't get enough sleep it can even lead to irregular heart beat, heart disease, high blood pressure, heart failure...
January 18, 2023
The ongoing quest for the best night’s sleep continues. While there may not be a simple solution to getting an uninterrupted 7 to 9 hours of sleep, some have turned to melatonin. The body makes melatonin naturally, but supplements are also popular. So we wondered, is synthetic melatonin safe to take? - Does Melatonin Control Sleep Patterns? - Most healthy -adults need between 7 and 10 hours of sleep...
November 14, 2022
Having a drink before bed is something many people enjoy as a way to unwind or relax. Sharing a nightcap can also be a way for people to carry on an intimate conversation while winding down for the evening. IT seems innocuous and like a calming ritual, but is a drink or two actually bad for us before bed? - Drinking May Lead to Muscle Aches - When the body's blood alcohol level increases, it can lead...
November 11, 2022
Getting a good night’s rest is part of staying healthy, but not everyone is able to get the ZZZZZs they need. You can keep certain plants in your room to help make the atmosphere more serene and peaceful to help you get better sleep. Plants make the oxygen we breathe and almost any can be a great addition to the bedroom. There are 4 plants in particular that are good at helping you sleep better. Jasmine...
August 24, 2022
An estimated -40 millions Americans- over the age of 18 suffer from -anxiety- each year, according to the -Anxiety and Depression Association of America. This struggle is so much more than worrying about work or a family member, it is persistent and difficult to manage. The connection between -anxiety and insomnia is a frustrating cycle-, like a merry-go-round of worry and sleeplessness. Not only do...
May 7, 2022
According to the -NHS-, the first step in treating insomnia is to "find out whether the problem is being caused by an underlying medical condition." Book an appointment with your GP to determine if your insomnia is the result of a medical condition or something less worrisome. Other causes of insomnia include high stress levels, depression and an overall negative sleeping pattern. It is worth trying...
April 28, 2022
If you’ve ever tried to function during a bout of insomnia, or even after one less-than-restful night, you’ve probably noticed you’re more prone to making errors or slipping into “auto-pilot.” Have you ever zoned out during an office meeting without actually nodding off and closing your eyes? Have you ever felt like you nodded off while stopped at a red light, even though your eyes were open and watching...
February 6, 2022