Tagged as ADHD

Most of us spend more time staring at a screen than we’d care to admit. It’s easy to do; devices have become a big part of our daily lives. Too much of a good thing is never good, however, and our phones and tablets are no exceptions. All that screen time could be taking its toll on our attention spans. Screentime has a Detrimental Effect on Children - No matter their age, children need strict limits...
February 6, 2024
For reasons that are still being scientifically investigated, people with ADD are more prone to developing addictions, but not always to the assumed “typical” addictions of drugs and alcohol. In general terms, people with ADHD have characteristic traits that seem to make addiction more likely. These traits include but are not limited to lower self-esteem, altered dopamine response, and depression related...
April 7, 2022
An estimated two-thirds of pregnant American women take acetaminophen for aches, pains, and fevers. For years, doctors have been saying the drug was benign and safe to take during pregnancy. As it turns out, it may not be as safe as we once thought. Studies have found that acetaminophen may be associated with a higher chance of developmental disorders like -ADHD and autism. Long-term use of medications...
January 21, 2022
Is brain degeneration avoidable? - This may be the most important health question we ever try to answer in our lifetime. One that affects over 1 billion of the world’s population. You may find this hard to believe, but -many brain diseases are caused by only 2 or 3 core issues. They are not random. They don’t just happen. What if the cure for top brain disorders and an overall healthier brain is outside...
November 9, 2021
Living with  Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD can be challenging at any age, especially when it comes to productivity at home. For those who work remotely or complete classes online, retaining focus is a priority. Here are some ways to get ADHD help while we’re working or learning from home. What Is ADHD? Who’s Affected? - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a complicated brain...
May 11, 2021
Some parents who have a child with ADHD believe that diet may play a significant role in treatment and care. Common thinking says that children who have this condition may feel more settled and focused when they eat, or don’t eat, certain foods. The jury is still out on whether or not these measures have actual benefit, so we'd advise caution while trying to decide. But enough parents have seen a difference...
February 19, 2021
People face painful realizations and life changes on a daily basis. For individuals diagnosed with ADHD, acknowledging and owning their specific challenges and strengths are truly important steps in understanding their own ADHD and how to live successfully with it. This move is often easier said than done, as ADHD can quickly take a toll on self-esteem and self-efficacy. ADHD can lend itself to snap...
November 3, 2017